Mount Baker Rotary
Sponsored By: New Way Ministries

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S250 Coconut Chocolate Chunk Cake

Chocolate cake, cream cheese frosting, toasted cocnut, chocolate chunks, dark chocolate ganacheServes 6 - 10 people
Donated By: Lynden Vision Clinic
Restrictions: Delivered to your home on September 19, 2020, Noon to 3 pm, must be home to accept order. Whatcom County only.
Expires: 2020-09-19
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Value: Priceless
Bidding Closed!

Opening Bid: $12
Minimum Raise: $4
  • $76 bid by 1006
  • $80 bid by 1039
  • $84 no bid
  • $88 no bid
  • $92 no bid
  • $96 no bid

Text2Bid - You Are Bidder 1003